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II Congresso Internacional sobre Governança, Ética e Compliance

Os investigadores do JUSGOV e do Ratio Legis/UAL, Alex Sander Pires, Pedro Trovão do Rosário e Ruben Bahamonde, coordenam, conjuntamente com Bartosz Makowicz, Diretor do Viadrina Compliance Center, o II INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON GOVERNANCE, ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE, a decorrer nos dias 16 e 17 de Novembro de 2022, pelo sistema híbrido (presencialmente na Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa e virtualmente pelo link —ID: 985 9868 7432 | Password: 619052).


JUSGOV researchers Alex Sander Pires, Pedro Trovão do Rosário and Ruben Bahamonde, together with Bartosz Makowicz, Director of the Viadrina Compliance Center, are coordinating the II INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON GOVERNANCE, ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE, to be held on the 16th and 17th November 2022, through a hybrid system (in person at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa and virtually through the link -ID: 985 9868 7432 | Password: 619052).

Para mais informação / For more information: II International Congress on Governance, Ethics and Compliance


Começa a:
16/11/2022 18:00
Acaba em:
17/11/2022 20:00
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